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How Grocery Managers Can Cut Operating Costs with Key Control

Written by InstaKey | Sep 19, 2023 2:15:00 PM

We are living in an era where the economic landscape is fraught with challenges. Inflation is hitting peak levels, causing the expenses associated with running a business to spiral upward. This reality hits especially hard in the grocery sector, an industry notorious for its razor-thin profit margins. With staff wages on the rise and product costs climbing, grocery leadership find themselves caught in a financial squeeze.

Now more than ever, it’s crucial for leadership and grocery store managers to seek out inventive and effective ways to trim costs without sacrificing the quality of service offered to customers or negatively impacting their employees. In this article, we’ll walk you through a number of smart ways grocery store managers can ease their financial burden. Then we’ll explore a cost-cutting measure you may not have considered: Key control.

How to Cut Grocery Costs Without Affecting Customers or Employees

One effective strategy is to cut costs in areas that do not directly affect your customers. Undertaking an energy audit can shed light on potential savings on utility costs, and eliminating rarely used dedicated fax and phone lines can further reduce your bills. Waste elimination and recycling initiatives can also contribute to cost savings. Here are two more ways to cut costs without affecting your grocery store customers or staff:

  • Operating Hours: Strike a balance between customer convenience and profitability.
  • Inventory Optimization: Play to customer favorites.

Operating Hours: Strike a balance between customer convenience and profitability.

A store's operating hours may be another area of cost-cutting. Dig into your point-of-sale data, breaking down sales by hour or even half-hour blocks. If you find certain periods that don’t justify their operational costs, it might be time to consider temporary closures. For mid-day lulls, examine your staff schedules to determine a leaner staffing model that still supports your store's function but reduces staffing overheads.

Inventory Optimization: Play to customer favorites.

While variety might seem like the spice of retail, it can often leave your customers feeling overwhelmed and indecisive. According to Paco Underhill of Envirosell“The customer walks in the door, and often sees a huge selection of stuff in a multi-brand store, and can’t figure out what to buy and ends up buying nothing.” Instead, streamline your offerings, concentrating on the top sellers that your customers love. This approach simplifies your inventory management and reduces both storage and waste costs, striking a winning note on your balance sheet. 

Key Control: A Hidden Cost-Cutting Measure

There's one cost-cutting measure that often goes unnoticed: Evaluating your key control program. You might view your key control system as a dispensable line item in your budget, but in reality, neglecting key control can lead to higher operating costs. Lost keys, outdated records, and employee turnover can all culminate in a substantial financial burden. 

The cost of poor key control can be significant, especially if a master key goes missing. The resulting locksmith call-outs and the cascading effect of rekeying numerous locks across multi-location facilities can be astronomically expensive. Beyond these direct costs, there are less visible operating expenses. The risk of a security breach due to lost or stolen keys can jeopardize your inventory and employee safety. Additionally, missing keys can disrupt workflows, resulting in decreased productivity.

A robust key control system can have a significant positive impact on your operating costs. An efficient key control system minimizes the risk of misplacing keys, maintains accurate records, and simplifies the process of lock changes or rekeying. While the upfront costs may seem steep, such a system improves your facility's security and positively influences your bottom line.

Improved productivity and enhanced risk management are two key benefits of effective key control. When employees aren't wasting time searching for missing keys or waiting for locksmiths, they can focus on their primary responsibilities. Cloud-based key control systems provide real-time key and key holder auditing capabilities, which give you valuable insights, allowing swift action in case of missing keys, which reduces the risk of a security breach.

Learn more about how key control affects operating expenses.

While the initial investment in a strong key control system may seem daunting, the long-term benefits in terms of cost savings, risk management, and productivity enhancements are invaluable. Implementing a well-designed key control system not only tightens your store's security but also contributes significantly towards lowering operational costs. With a solution like InstaKey's fully integrated key control system, grocery store managers can embrace a proactive, customizable approach to manage risks effectively while driving down operating costs. After all, in the grocery business, every penny saved directly contributes to the bottom line.

Unlock Savings with InstaKey

So, are you ready to uncover potential savings and enhance your grocery store's security? InstaKey is here to help. We specialize in effective key control measures, empowering businesses like yours to reduce operating costs without compromising on security or customer experience. Let us help you turn the key to more efficient operations. Contact us today to learn more about how our key control solutions could be the cost-cutting measure you didn't know you needed.