“In the mid‐1990ʹs, the Chula Vista, California, elementary school (K‐6) district, now comprising 40 or so schools, decided to modernize its older facilities, which dated back to the 1950s. Out went frayed electrical systems, dated plumbing, and ragged carpeting; in came color television, new furniture, fiber optics, and other new infrastructure. One aspect of the buildings remained distinctly low tech however; mechanical locks.”
“This standard lock‐and‐key system caused concern because in many cases the original keying still existed, and the administration had lost track of keys over the years. The addition of computer equipment, large‐screen televisions, and other valuable technology at the refurbished schools made the issue all the more critical. ʺWe wanted to be able to have control,ʺ says Chris Mages, Chula Vistaʹs facility construction safety support manager.”
“Mages looked at InstaKey Lock Corporation, Denver, Colorado, which promised the ability to re‐key and re‐pin locks without hardware changes and offered comprehensive records management via special software. Mages spoke to InstaKey end users, such as a small school system in Branson, Missouri, which was pleased with the system.”